Sebastian Martinez
By: Sebastian Martinez

June 20, 2024 3:24 pm


Secure and Compliant Containerized Deployments

Tailoring IT Infrastructure for Containerized Solutions In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, there's a growing need for IT systems that are robust, secure, and compliant, especially with more and more containerized deployments. SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 (SLE Micro 6.0) is strategically developed to meet these needs, offering a foundation that not only […]

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By: Erin Quill

July 28, 2023 1:34 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture openSUSE Leap PXE Server

Making life easier with PXE Welcome to Part Two of our journey into setting up a network-based installation environment. Having already established our openSUSE Installation Server in Part One, we're now ready to dive into the next exciting phase: Installing and Configuring PXE. Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) is our key to booting up an operating […]

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By: Erin Quill

July 24, 2023 8:11 am


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By: Erin Quill

July 18, 2023 8:41 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture OpenSUSE Leap installation server

I'm back to Building Servers from Scratch Playing around with Kubernetes and Edge Computing has opened up a world of possibilities for me, especially when it comes to breathing new life into the older equipment in my lab. Take, for example, my old Intel NUC i5 with 16GB RAM. It used to be a virtual […]

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By: Alexandre Vicenzi

July 18, 2023 1:41 pm


Running containerized workloads in vehicles

Containers have become an integral part of any modern software stack. They are a de facto standard in cloud computing. Containers provide strong isolation, extra layers of security, increased portability, and consistent operation. All this contributes to better development approaches. SUSE already collaborates with the automotive industry and SUSE Linux Enterprise is running in vehicles. […]

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By: Andrew Steggles

July 5, 2023 9:44 am


SUSE Embedded Program

The SUSE One Partner Program has evolved recently to provide a flexible and modern structure within specific Specializations. These specializations allow partners to focus on their business objectives. One specialization area of the program that has evolved significantly is the Solution partner. This specialization area has been specifically designed for partners that build, sells, and […]

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By: Raj Meel

April 20, 2023 1:02 pm


Transform Edge Operations with SLE Micro 5.4

SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro, a lightweight operating system, is purpose-built for containerized and virtualized workloads. It is fully integrated with Rancher and available as part of SUSE Edge 2.0. Organizations using SUSE Edge can manage both Kubernetes and operating systems (SLE Micro) from a single dashboard of Rancher. Latest release - SLE Micro 5.[…]

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By: Stacey Miller

February 15, 2023 4:14 pm


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By: Bret Dayley

January 7, 2023 12:40 am


World’s fastest supercomputer runs SUSE Linux

Looking back at 2022, certainly one of the most dramatic leaps forward in the compute world was a supercomputer breaking the exascale barrier, meaning it can process more than a quintillion calculations per second — making it capable of performing the most complex computing tasks in the world and setting the stage for breakthroughs in […]

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