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By: Robert Schweikert

July 10, 2024 3:22 pm


Image Changes in AWS EC2 for IMDS Access

In 2019 AWS EC2 introduced the Instance Metadata Service v2 (IMDSv2) protocol to enhance security when accessing the metadata for an instance in EC2. Since then a lot of effort has been made to move everything that depends on IMDS to use the v2 protocol. The AMI creation process also has a setting to make […]

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Sebastian Martinez
By: Sebastian Martinez

June 26, 2024 1:35 pm


Sebastian Martinez
By: Sebastian Martinez

June 23, 2024 9:54 am


Confidential Computing. Enabling Enterprise Innovation While Securing Your Data 

This blog will discuss the challenge of maintaining data security, sovereignty, and compliance. This discussion has evolved with the growth of multi-tenant environments and the widespread use of public cloud services, which has brought about new challenges in data security. We will explore the significance of Confidential Computing and how it addresses the concerns of […]

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By: Ken Lee

June 4, 2024 6:51 pm


Why Use Linux for Servers in Enterprise Environments? A Deep Dive

Linux is a powerhouse in the technological landscape, particularly noted for its pivotal role in server management and enterprise IT infrastructure. This open-source operating system is highly valued for its stability, versatility, and security, making it a top choice for server environments across a variety of sectors. But what exactly is Linux used for? Predominantly, […]

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By: Stephen Mogg

May 24, 2024 12:49 pm


Adding LTSS to SLE 12 on the Public Cloud for PAYG / On-Demand workloads

This blog applies to customers running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (SLES 12) or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 (SLES for SAP 12) and purchasing SUSE subscriptions via the cloud provider (AWS, Azure or GCP), this is often referred to as PAYG, on-demand, etc. It was nearly 10 years ago when I […]

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By: Juan Herrera Utande

April 29, 2024 10:28 pm


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By: Eugenio Paolantonio

March 8, 2024 8:36 pm


SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 6 Public Beta is now available

We are thrilled to announce the Public Beta of SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 6! After more than six months of development we're ready to share the first public milestone of the new Service Pack. This is a Refresh Service Pack, and thus there are quite some changes. For more details on the Refresh/Consolidation model […]

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By: Caroline Thomas

November 14, 2023 5:45 pm


Top 3 Reasons to find SUSE at AWS re:Invent

  SUSE, is a global leader in innovative, reliable and secure enterprise open source solutions, including SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), Rancher by SUSE and NeuVector by SUSE is pleased to be a Bronze sponsor for AWS re:Invent 2023, in Las Vegas . Visit us at Booth #501 – where will have live demos, cool giveaways, […]

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By: Raul Mahiques

October 31, 2023 1:09 pm


Confidential Cloud: Introduction to Confidential Computing

Introduction In this blog series, we will embark on a journey into the realm of Confidential Computing, CoCo for friends. Our goal? To help you gain a better understanding of it.   What is confidential computing about? If we seek a definition for 'Confidential Computing,' Wikipedia provides us with the following: “a […]

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