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By: Raul Mahiques

October 31, 2023 1:09 pm


Confidential Cloud: Introduction to Confidential Computing

Introduction In this blog series, we will embark on a journey into the realm of Confidential Computing, CoCo for friends. Our goal? To help you gain a better understanding of it.   What is confidential computing about? If we seek a definition for 'Confidential Computing,' Wikipedia provides us with the following: “a […]

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By: Jeff Reser

March 27, 2023 4:37 pm


SUSE Joins the Confidential Computing Consortium

SUSE steps up its focus around data protection and trust with a strong commitment to preserving data integrity from core to cloud to edge.  SUSE is happy to announce we have joined Linux Foundation’s Confidential Computing Consortium, a community focused on projects that deal with securing data in use and accelerating the adoption […]

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By: Jeff Reser

June 20, 2022 12:00 pm


Innovation Without Disruption: Introducing SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP4 and Security

[This blog post is contributed by Blaine Stone, Certification Compliance Program Manager at SUSE.] At SUSE, we take security seriously. The major areas of our focus are: Secure the Foundations Secure the Product Secure the Supply Chain Confidential Computing SUSE has been working on security for a long time now because we believe in […]

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