Sebastian Martinez
By: Sebastian Martinez

June 25, 2024 2:48 pm


Optimizing Software Delivery and Maintenance: SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 for ISVs and Integrators

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and integrators face unique challenges in deploying and managing applications across diverse environments. Thus, they are constantly seeking ways to offer new solutions with more flexibility, security, and efficiency while also reducing maintenance costs and risks. SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro emerges as a powerful platform designed to meet these demands. This […]

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Sebastian Martinez
By: Sebastian Martinez

June 10, 2024 4:35 pm


Unveiling SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0: Revolutionizing Enterprise IT for Containerized Environment

Advancing Enterprise Container Management In the evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, the versatility of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 (SLE Micro 6.0) stands out, providing robust solutions across a spectrum of deployment scenarios. Designed as an easier-to-maintain enterprise container (and virtualization) host to support any containerized environment, from a standalone container host deployment […]

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By: Erin Quill

July 28, 2023 1:34 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture openSUSE Leap PXE Server

Making life easier with PXE Welcome to Part Two of our journey into setting up a network-based installation environment. Having already established our openSUSE Installation Server in Part One, we're now ready to dive into the next exciting phase: Installing and Configuring PXE. Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) is our key to booting up an operating […]

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By: Raul Mahiques

July 27, 2023 7:34 am


CentOS Alternatives: Migrating Workloads to OpenSUSE Leap – Differences and Similarities

Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or just starting your journey, this blog post is designed to be your go-to resource for technical guidance when transitioning from CentOS to openSUSE Leap. We understand that every migration is unique, and while we won’t cover every minute difference and similarity between the two distributions, we […]

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By: Erin Quill

July 24, 2023 8:11 am


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By: Erin Quill

July 18, 2023 8:41 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture OpenSUSE Leap installation server

I'm back to Building Servers from Scratch Playing around with Kubernetes and Edge Computing has opened up a world of possibilities for me, especially when it comes to breathing new life into the older equipment in my lab. Take, for example, my old Intel NUC i5 with 16GB RAM. It used to be a virtual […]

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By: Andrew Steggles

July 5, 2023 9:44 am


SUSE Embedded Program

The SUSE One Partner Program has evolved recently to provide a flexible and modern structure within specific Specializations. These specializations allow partners to focus on their business objectives. One specialization area of the program that has evolved significantly is the Solution partner. This specialization area has been specifically designed for partners that build, sells, and […]

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By: Aidan Brecknell

August 2, 2022 12:16 am


Preparing for the Next Wave of Transformation

We’re lucky to work with so many innovative and forward-thinking companies here at SUSE. We see how committed our customers are to tackling their transformation challenges by leveraging open source tools and platforms that allow their developers to quickly build new solutions that drive their organization forward. The nature of the beast, however, is […]

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By: Bret Dayley

June 16, 2022 7:13 pm


K3s and NATS: A technology stack developers love to use at the Edge

As innovation takes off at the Edge, one aspect we're all trying to avoid is complexity. There is simply no room at the Edge for complexity— or much else for that matter. Simple, fast, robust, small yet powerful and dynamic is the name of the game. These demands are high. Enter 'cloud native' tech with […]

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