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By: Rich Paredes

February 10, 2021 4:02 am


Patching Options In Public Cloud – PART 1

How do I patch or upgrade my SUSE instances in the public cloud? How do I keep all my instances at the same patch level in the public cloud? What options are available in the public cloud? Part 1 of this post will try to address some of these questions. Additional options available will be […]

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By: Rich Paredes

January 29, 2021 6:43 am


Upgrading SUSE Linux Enterprise in the Public Cloud

A common question customers ask is how to upgrade SUSE Linux Enterprise instances in the public cloud properly.  There are two different scenarios to take into consideration.  The first scenario is when you want to perform a service pack upgrade of a SLES or SLES for SAP instance. For example, you want to […]

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By: Rich Paredes

January 21, 2021 12:09 am


Accessing the Public Cloud Update Infrastructure via a Proxy

SUSE provides public cloud customers with PAYG (Pay-As-You-Go) images on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Instances created from these images connect to a managed update infrastructure. So if you need to update your instances with the latest software updates or install that needed package using zypper, usually you can be assured that the underlying repositories […]

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By: Rich Paredes

August 4, 2015 11:42 am


Stay Up On Latest Security Vulnerabilities

Staying updated on the latest security vulnerabilities can be daunting which can understandably lead you to ask whether a particular version of SLES is vulnerable. The first thing to note when you get a security notification, for example from https://cve.mitre.org, https://nvd.nist.gov, or even by word of mouth, is the CVE identifier […]

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