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By: Marijn

March 5, 2018 6:27 am


Can a public cloud strengthen National Security and integrity?

More and more data of our lives is stored in the cloud. The progress of cloud technology has made it simple and cheap to store quickly growing amounts of data and make it accessible to us when we need it. This very positive development has also brought some question marks relating to security and integrity. […]

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By: Marijn

January 17, 2018 7:40 pm


Next time: more customers (and) in Spring time!

So, after SUSECon 2017, what are my intentions for the next one? Listening to the response of all Dutch people who joined the conference we will try as hard as we can to bring more customers. They now know that it’s worthwhile to visit the event. Cause Customers as well as partners were pleasantly […]

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By: Marijn

November 6, 2017 9:28 am


Four take aways from SUSECON 2017

Conferences always give food for thought. So did SUSECON 2017 in Prague. Let me share four take aways I had from this vivid five days meeting. 1. SUSE Enterprise Storage 5 Can you imagine: this new release doubles the performance! And it has an outstanding graphical interface. Moreover I learnt the meaning of DeepSea as […]

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By: Marijn

October 16, 2017 11:01 am


SUSECON: simply impressed

It’s been more than one week now since I joined SUSECON17 in Prague. What struck me most were the utmost positive remarks partners and customers made during the week. Here are some of my impressions of a wonderful week in the Czech capital. I have been talking to many people during the conference. At […]

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By: Marijn

September 13, 2017 11:12 am


Open-source opens up

In my previous blogs – the ones before my holidays- I discussed the nature of open-source and it’s security. The topics still have me wondering even while I’m on holiday; I thought about all the open-source initiatives that popped up- and are still popping up. Starting as a movement in 1988 when Netscape […]

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By: Marijn

August 2, 2017 10:05 am


Security in numbers

During my career I worked most of the time for companies that sold proprietary software and it’s only now, while currently working for SUSE, that I finally see how rich with ample projects the open source world is and how filled it is with software vendors that carry the most surprising names such as […]

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By: Marijn

July 10, 2017 3:25 pm


Did you consider the day pass option for SUSECON 2017?

In preparation for SUSECON I often get the feedback that SUSECON is to technical for some of the managers, CxO's from customers and partners we talk to. And although SUSECON provides a lot of business related sessions, use cases and customer references, 5 days of Open Source Technology can be a bit overwhelming and […]

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