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By: TC

March 29, 2016 12:30 pm


SUSE Openstack Cloud 6 on Ravello Systems

SUSE announced the general availability of SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 earlier this month, based on the Liberty release of Openstack.  With the release, our team hustled to deliver SOC6 on a publicly available platform for demoing, dev, and test.  Some of the new features include: Docker support (technology preview) All nodes now run […]

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By: Frank Rego

October 31, 2014 12:39 pm


SUSE Cloud OpenStack Lab on AWS Using Ravello

I learned about Ravello Systems in at an event last month in San Francisco. The technology sounded intriguing, and part that really caught me was "we enable customers to run OpenStack in the public cloud." It took me a while to wrap my head around that, but the more I learned, the clearer […]

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