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By: Thomas Helmer

January 20, 2022 3:51 am


The Success of ‘Open-hearted’ Partnerships in the Cloud

The future is open — and it’s better together. At SUSE, we pride ourselves on our partnerships, and sometimes what we can achieve together surpasses even our greatest hopes. That’s what our award-winning, cloud-based, high-performance computing (HPC) partnership with UberCloud, Dassault Systèmes, and Google Cloud achieved, by enabling 3DT Holdings researchers to […]

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By: Thomas Helmer

January 14, 2022 9:38 pm


The Future of Retail is Now

The retail industry was always on the road to digitalization. Online retail giants quickly saw some customers do all their holiday shopping online, which forced other more traditional stores to modernize or go bankrupt. Cyber Monday started over-shadowing Black Friday. Customers demanded seamless, omnichannel experiences over mobile apps and with loyalty programs — mobile has […]

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By: Thomas Helmer

December 8, 2021 8:48 pm


Migrating SAP workloads to Google Cloud requires ‘the Power of Many’

Migrating essential SAP workloads to Google Cloud requires 'the power of many' if you want to stay ahead of rising customer expectations and fierce competition. The Bory Castle in historic Székesfehérvár is a fantasy-like, curious work of art, well worth exploring. What's especially unusual is how it was built in the early […]

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By: Thomas Helmer

July 11, 2019 8:04 pm


Does SAP Migration to Cloud have to take forever?

The short answer is NO. FFF Enterprises, a US pharmaceutical company - if you live in the US, this is where your flu vaccine came from, needed to improve their IT operations and reduce their costs. Their on-premises SAP servers were not holding up to the stress the business demanded. Knowing they needed to do […]

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