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By: Abhinav Puri

September 10, 2019 2:00 pm


A new era in Cloud Native Application Delivery is here

Whether it is about seizing new market opportunities or proactively responding to competitive pressures or driving operational efficiencies that give you a competitive edge, organizations can no longer wait months on end to execute on any of those goals. Agility is indeed the name of the game. And this is the era of the application […]

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By: Abhinav Puri

May 29, 2018 4:25 pm


Enabling the point of service environment of a modern retailer

The plethora of challenges confronting the retailers, in this post-Amazon era, have made it incumbent upon these retailers to transform their business models, in order to generate sustainable growth. Customer preferences and shopping behavior have been evolving at a frantic pace. This new channel-agnostic customer expects the shopping experience to be personalized and seamless across […]

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