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By: Erico Mendonca

December 7, 2018 1:59 pm


KVM networking: a simple way to manage port forwards and configuration

QEMU/KVM offers powerful networking features, including the ability to create many kinds of networks for your VMs. These can be either an isolated network, a NAT network, or a bridge. There are built-in services that can be configured to serve DNS and DHCP (including PXE support), so you do not need to bother maintaining these […]

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By: Erico Mendonca

August 8, 2018 9:19 pm


How to do an unattended upgrade from SLES11 to SLES15

SLES 11 is still heavily in use today. Until now, there wasn't an easy upgrade path for getting your servers to the latest and greatest without completely reinstalling them. But with the release of SLE15, it's now of the one of the supported upgrade paths. Check out the complete upgrade guide here. I recently had […]

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By: Erico Mendonca

July 24, 2015 9:22 am


Running graphical programs remotely as root

Sometimes when dealing with Linux servers, you find products that require running a graphical installer as root. That's fine when you have access to the graphical console, and you can do it using various methods, like gnomesu or kdesu. But what happens when you need to run it via SSH? (more…)[…]

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