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December 8, 2016 5:47 am


openATTIC Wins OSBAR Award 2016

Blog by Lenz Grimmer Since 2014 OSBAR, the innovation award of the Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance), highlights open source projects that add real benefit to the IT-world. Submissions are assessed based on originality, innovation, practical relevance and maturity by a committee of six well-known German IT- and open source experts.   [caption […]

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By: Bryan Lunduke

November 17, 2016 10:46 am


Q&A with openATTIC Engineering Team Lead

Last week, we announced that SUSE was acquiring the openATTIC project. So I sat down with Lenz Grimmer -- the openATTIC lead -- to ask a few questions about the project and what this news means for openATTIC (and SUSE) going forward. Bryan: How would you describe openATTIC to someone who's never heard of it […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 15, 2016 7:18 am


Seeking your feedback on the Ceph monitoring and management functionality in openATTIC

By Lenz Grimmer Lenz Grimmer Team Lead Product Management & Development it-novum GmbH With the release of openATTIC version 2.0.14 this week, we have reached an important milestone when it comes to the Ceph management and monitoring capabilities. It is now possible to monitor and view the health and overall performance of […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 15, 2016 7:12 am


openATTIC 2.0.14 beta has been released

By Lenz Grimmer Lenz Grimmer Team Lead Product Management & Development it-novum GmbH Despite the summer holidays, the openATTIC development team has been busy, adding new functionality and improving existing features. This release also includes code contributions created by developers not employed by it-novum, and we're very grateful for the support! Noteworthy new features […]

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