What You Need is an Expert


You’ve heard me talk, tweet and blog about all of the great features in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications that help keep SAP HANA systems running reliably on IBM Power Systems servers. What you haven’t heard me talk about is how to make it all work … and for good reason! For that, you need someone who has a technical understanding of setting up SUSE Enterprise Server High Availability Extension, SAP HANA and IBM Power Systems. That someone is my colleague Mike Friesenegger, SUSE Technology Strategist and my go-to guy for technical questions about “HANA on Power” (as the IBM’ers say).

Mike has graciously agreed to be the star in SUSE’s upcoming webinar “5 Critical Tips to Set Up SAP HANA High Availability: Automating System Replication on IBM Power Systems”. By the way, there’s a tweet going around suggesting that I’m giving this webinar but let me assure you that I’m there mainly to introduce the topic and to turn it over to Mike. There will be no market overview or product overview. We’re just going to get right to the point and give you the information you need to successfully set up HA/DR for SAP HANA on your Power servers. So whether you’ve tried setting it up and had problems, or you’re planning to configure a system in the near future and want to avoid problems this webinar is intended for you. Mike will take you through the process, show a demonstration and give you a chance to ask questions at the end.

The webinar is hosted by IBM Systems Magazine on October 19th at 10:00 am PT, noon CT, 1:00 pm ET and 17:00 CET. Register to join us for this very informative session at  http://ibmsystemsmag.webex.com and click the link for the webinar title.

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