How the SUSE and Microsoft partnership supports customers moving to cloud


In a new video, Michael Miller, VP of Global Marketing and Alliances at SUSE talks about how the relationship with Microsoft continues to grow and how the alliance’s unique interoperability solutions have helped many customers around the world consolidate, simplify and better manage their mixed IT environments, in preparation for their journey to the cloud.

Michael Miller under the spotlight

‘Customers benefit from both Choice and Openess. But Choice and Openess without interoperability actually creates more difficulties than solutions.  So together, Microsoft and SUSE provide both Choice, Openness and Interoperability – and that creates value for our customers…

Michael sites Baloise Group, a major insurance provider in Europe, as an example of an alliance customer who has realized that a prerequisite of moving to the cloud is to first ensure they have a stable, standardized and interoperable infrastructure within their own data-centers.

He also talks about how customers are also benefiting from SUSE on Windows Azure, and gives an insight into what the future may bring for the relationship.

Watch the video now!

More on the Microsoft and SUSE relationship

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