January 28, 2011

Keep It Rolling …

Have you ever seen how they move big cheese loaves in the Netherlands? They roll them vertically! I don’[…]

November 11, 2010

ext4: Still Not There Yet – And Not Worth It Anyway

When reading Ext4 Within Striking Distance of XFS the other day, I could not help virtually patting Matthias Eckermann, who […]

August 23, 2010

From Gerald to Larry: One Down, Solaris to Go

So I hear you are killing OpenSolaris. Admittedly it never was all that successful as an Open Source project, unlike […]

August 10, 2010

Data is Customers' Gold!

Data is Customers’ Gold, the Operating System the Bank, the Filesystem the Vault. Discussing “Choice” last […]

July 29, 2010

Watch the future of Retail

Watch a new three-part video on YouTube to learn how Novell sees the future of Point of Service and IT […]

April 28, 2010

A pioneer shares history

And here is another great one. In the April issue, Novell Connection Magazine features "A Decade of SUSE Linux […]

April 28, 2010

New Podcast: IBM System z Technical Overview – with Richard Lewis

Hey System z family and friends - today I´d like to share with you a real Mainframe delicacy. Richard […]

February 25, 2010

SLE 11: Software Updating; Categories and Exclusions

If you need to apply updates without applying a new Kernel, or apply security-only updates, check out this article. These […]