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How to set up a Fleet debug image

This document (000021273) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Rancher 2.7.x


SUSE Rancher support and engineering team might propose a debug image for troubleshooting purposes.
Debug images usually follow the naming convention: "v<X.Y.Z>-debug-<ISSUE_ID>"
The Fleet version should be respected (for Fleet v0.8.0, the debug image should be v0.8.0-debug-12345).


This procedure should be followed with kubeconfig access to the local cluster:

  • Edit the fleet-controller ConfigMap (to change the fleet-agent image to the test version):
    $ export TAG=v0.8.0-debug-1842-4
    $ kubectl get configmap -n cattle-fleet-system fleet-controller -o yaml | sed -E "s#rancher/fleet-agent:v[0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+#rancher/fleet-agent:$TAG#g" | kubectl apply -f -
  • Edit the fleet-controller deployment (to change the fleet-controller image to the test version):
    $ export TAG=v0.8.0-debug-1842-4
    $ kubectl set image -n cattle-fleet-system deployment/fleet-controller fleet-controller=rancher/fleet:$TAG

    Note: for air-gap setups or environments not allowing images to be pulled from Docker Hub, one should transfer or whitelist the fleet-controller and fleet-agent images appropriately for the procedure to work.

To revert back to the original version:

$ export TAG=v0.8.0
$ kubectl get configmap -n cattle-fleet-system fleet-controller -o yaml | sed -E "s#rancher/fleet-agent:v[0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+#rancher/fleet-agent:$TAG#g" | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl set image -n cattle-fleet-system deployment/fleet-controller fleet-controller=rancher/fleet:$TAG


Note: Please make sure to use a debug image only when instructed by the respective Support/Engineering resources. They are meant to help troubleshoot specific problems and should not be for general use. 


This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

  • Document ID:000021273
  • Creation Date: 15-Nov-2023
  • Modified Date:15-Nov-2023
    • SUSE Rancher

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