Reduce Manual Admin when Moving SAP S/4HANA into the Cloud


In our 2nd  SAP Insider article, Michael Tabron, Product Marketing Manager, SUSE, and Jan Krueger, Industry Technical Specialist, Team SAP, Intel discuss how many organizations are looking to reduce the burden of manual tasks on their system administrators so they can spend more time producing value for the business.

Read the article to find answers to the following questions…

1. How can organizations help reduce their overall administrative efforts when they are managing systems in the cloud? Why is this important?
2. How does moving to the cloud helps reduce architectural complexity?
3. How are SUSE and Intel working together to reduce administrative effort and provide a high-availability solution for SAP S/4HANA?
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Caroline Thomas Caroline has over 20 years’ experience within hi-tech B2B marketing roles. She is passionate about technology and communicating the benefits for modernising and accelerating the integration of digital transformation. In her spare time Caroline enjoys spending time her family and their dogs.