A Back to School Special for SUSE OpenStack
In order to compete with elite French universities, Epitech, the leading French specialist institution for computer science, must remain at the forefront of technology adoption and education. To date, they are delivering innovative curriculum that has granted their graduates employment rates equal or greater to prestigious French institutions like the Grandes Écoles. They know how to adapt and succeed, and when the bell rang to adopt private cloud – they didn’t need no education!
Epitech selected OpenStack but quickly found it challenging to deliver to their internal IT the reliable experience they were expecting with the community edition. Epitech reached out to Jaguar Network, a hosted services provider, to help deliver a server platform that would simplify the deployment and management of cloud infrastructure and enable rapid creation of sandbox environments for students.
Leveraging SUSE OpenStack on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Jaguar Networks was able to architect a solution that delivers agility for students’ projects and an environment that encourages innovation. SUSE OpenStack Cloud is focused on ensuring ease of use for cloud administrators and this helps Epitech students hit the ground running. While students may love the occasional down-time – the reliability and availability afforded by running on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server ensures that Epitech can deliver on their curriculum with near zero interruption.
“SUSE OpenStack Cloud completely opens students’ minds to what goes on in today’s data centers and how systems are administered,” said Roxan Roumegas. “When they set up solutions for their future employers, they will be using the practical skills they developed at Epitech in areas such as server virtualization.”
So hey! Other distros! Leave them kids alone! When it comes to OpenStack – you’re just another brick in the wall!
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