Missing channels in SUSE Manager PAYG (pay as you go) subscription
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SUSE Manager 4.0 Server
Whenever it comes to managing PAYG (Pay as you go) only instances (for which there is no on-prem/BYOS subscription purchased via SUSE), the needed channels do not automatically appear in SCC for SUSE Manager to sync from.
Please contact your Sales representative or open a Support Case with SUSE Customer Support. As a workaround SUSE will provide a subscription free of charge to the product needed and that will allow for to the product channels.
The (final) solution Engineering is working on is to extract the credentials from one running PAYG instance and then use them to mirror the product. This is the same strategy used with Red Hat subscriptions in Expanded Support. This is one of the top priority problems to be solved with SUSE Manager 4.2 GA, expected for late June 2021. SLES for SAP full solution might take a bit longer than GA release though, and could get released as a maintenance update after 4.2 GA.
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- Document ID:000019948
- Creation Date: 20-Apr-2021
- Modified Date:29-Apr-2021
- SUSE Manager Server
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