SUSE Linux Enterprise HPC Module: November 2017 Additions and updates
SUSE continues to deliver on our commitment to make HPC easier to implement by adding additional packages to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) HPC Module.
When we introduced the HPC Module to SUSE Linux early in 2017, we laid out a strategy to make High Performance Computing adoption easier by providing a number of fully supported HPC packages to our SUSE Linux customers.
The key value of the HPC Module is to provide commonly used HPC packages as a fully supported component of SUSE Linux. These packages have been built and tested by SUSE and are provided at no additional cost with the SUSE Linux support subscription. All of the packages included in the SLES HPC Module are open-source and many are based on packages from OpenHPC.
SUSE provides the HPC Module for customers using the X86-64 and ARM hardware platform. Other than a few hardware specific packages, all the packages are supported on both platforms. If you haven’t tried the HPC module yet, here are instructions on how to access it.
In this release, we added a number of additional packages as well as updates to existing packages. The new packages include several libraries such as fftw, OpenBLAS, and petSc, I/O packages such as hdf5 and phdf5, and performance tools such as mpiP and tau and many more.
We also updated slurm and pdsh packages to the latest levels.
We also added two packages of interest to HPC customers, robinhood and singularity to SUSE PackageHub. PackageHub is a SUSE curated repository for community supported, open-source packages that provides SUSE customers with easier installation. Help for using PackageHub can be found here.
We hope that our customers will find the HPC Module useful. Let us know how we are doing via comments or email.
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Feb 17th, 2023
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