Looking ahead to SUSECON 2017


Is it that time again? You bet. SUSECON is right around the corner and being held in Prague, Czechia, September 25-29, 2017.

If you’ve attended SUSECON in the past you know that anything can happen (live music, giveaways, Minecraft on a giant screen, to name a few…) but more importantly, the event offers 100+ hours of hands-on training,  140+ educational sessions including 60 tutorials, certification opportunities, and more.

Why should you attend?

Attendees will learn how they can use open software-defined infrastructure and application platforms to reduce costs and complexity, anticipate and quickly leverage the latest advancements, and move the business forward while reducing unnecessary risk. SUSECON is also a great networking opportunity where you can make tons of connections, old and new.

Interested in presenting?

The call for Papers is now open! SUSE is officially accepting presentation, demonstration, workshop, and lab submissions and we encourage our customers and partners to submit proposals for the following topics:

  • Big Data
  • Business Applications & Middleware on Linux
  • Cloud Technology / Cloud Infrastructure
  • Distributed Storage
  • Enterprise Linux
  • High Availability
  • High Performance Computing & Real Time
  • Interoperability in Heterogeneous Environments
  • Linux on Mainframes
  • Linux Systems Management
  • Open Source Community
  • Retail and POS Infrastructure
  • SAP Applications on Linux
  • Security & Compliance
  • Software-defined Solutions
  • Support & Maintenance
  • UNIX to Linux Transitions
  • Virtualization Technologies

Join us at SUSECON 2017 and see how “There’s More to “Open” than Just the Code.” Register today!

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