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SLES 12 SP5 Distribution Migration System (DMS) failed while a LVM volume group is exported

This document (000021428) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applica­tions 12 SP5
PAYG instances on Azure


A Distribution Migration System (DMS) migration from SLES 12 SP5 to SLES 15 SP1 fails with the following SLES15-Migration version:


The Azure instance is getting continuously rebooted.

The Azure Serial Console log shows (snippet):

[55DCalling: ['mount', '-o', 'remount,rw', '/run/initramfs/isoscan']
[64DReading fstab from associated disks
[35DCalling: ['lsblk', '-p', '-n', '-r', '-o', 'NAME,TYPE']
[55DLVM managed block device(s) found, activating volume groups
[59DCalling: ['vgchange', '-a', 'y']
[32DEXEC: Failed with stderr:   WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Fall
[69DVolume group "vg_sap_backup" is exported

[42D, stdout:   1 logical volume(s) in volume group "hanarefbackup" now act

[69D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgfastbkp" now active
[58D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghanalogbkp" now active
[61D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghanalog" now active
[58D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghanadata" now active
[59D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghanadataHGCnew" now active
[65D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghnshrd" now active
[57D9 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgusrsap" now active
[57D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgbackupnew" now active
[60D1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vghanalogHGCnew" now active


[73D[0;7m(0(B[m(B[[0;1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start Load the migrated system kernel/initrd.

See 'systemctl status suse-migration-kernel-load.service' for details.

         Starting Reboot System...


The issue described will be solved after the exported LVM volume group (VG) "vg_sap_backup" is imported before the SUSE Distribution Migration System (DMS) is started.

Commands required:
sles-sap-12-sp5-gen1:~ # vgimport vg_sap_backup
sles-sap-12-sp5-gen1:~ # grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg


DMS is not expected to handle an exported LVM volume group (VG).


Top Issue

Additional Information

Please note all references in "/etc/fstab" to remote filesystems or filesystem images which do not contain OS directories will need to be commented out temporarily. After the upgrade finished successfully those fstab entries can be activated again.

This will prevent issues that may occur during the upgrade process.


This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

  • Document ID:000021428
  • Creation Date: 15-Apr-2024
  • Modified Date:21-May-2024
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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