Implement less privilege service account for Updater, Scanner, and Manager
This document (000020886) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
kubectl create serviceaccount updater -n neuvector kubectl delete rolebinding neuvector-admin -n neuvector kubectl create rolebinding neuvector-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=neuvector:updater --serviceaccount=neuvector:default -n neuvector
Update Updater cronjob to reflect the new service account
kubectl patch cronjob neuvector-updater-pod -n neuvector --patch '{"spec":{"jobTemplate": {"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"serviceAccountName": "updater", "serviceAccount": "updater"}}}}}}'
kubectl create serviceaccount basic -n neuvector
Update Scanner and Manager deployment to reflect the new service account
kubectl patch deploy neuvector-manager-pod -n neuvector --patch '{"spec":{"template": {"spec": {"serviceAccountName": "basic", "serviceAccount": "basic"}}}}' kubectl patch deploy neuvector-scanner-pod -n neuvector --patch '{"spec":{"template": {"spec": {"serviceAccountName": "basic", "serviceAccount": "basic"}}}}'
Note: No extra bindings are necessary but extra steps are needed for Kubernetes employing PSP or on OpenShift.
In addition to the neuvector-binding-psp (, the below neuvector-binding-psp-basic needs to be added with less privilege.).apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: neuvector-binding-psp-basic annotations: '*' spec: privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: false allowedCapabilities: null requiredDropCapabilities: - ALL volumes: - '*' hostNetwork: false hostIPC: false hostPID: false runAsUser: rule: 'RunAsAny' seLinux: rule: 'RunAsAny' supplementalGroups: rule: 'RunAsAny' fsGroup: rule: 'RunAsAny' --- apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: neuvector-binding-psp-basic namespace: neuvector rules: - apiGroups: - policy - extensions resources: - podsecuritypolicies verbs: - use resourceNames: - neuvector-binding-psp-basic --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: neuvector-binding-psp-basic namespace: neuvector roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: neuvector-binding-psp-basic subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: basic namespace: neuvector
NOTE: PSP policies are matched in the order from top to bottom. The above PSP policy needs to be at the top of the policy list, or the below commands must be applied to set a runasuser. More details regarding runasuser can be found here -->
kubectl patch deploy neuvector-manager-pod -n neuvector --patch '{"spec":{"template": {"spec": {"securityContext":{"runAsUser":1000}}}}}' kubectl patch deploy neuvector-scanner-pod -n neuvector --patch '{"spec":{"template": {"spec": {"securityContext":{"runAsUser":1000}}}}}'
oc -n neuvector adm policy add-scc-to-user hostaccess -z basic
NOTE: These recommendations are not integrated into the helm chart. It is necessary to git clone and manually make the changes for implementation. Please contact NeuVector Support if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Additional Information
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- Document ID:000020886
- Creation Date: 13-Dec-2022
- Modified Date:16-Mar-2023
- SUSE NeuVector
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