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The from getappcore fails to properly open the core file

This document (000020617) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (All Service Packs)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (All Service Packs)


An application core file exists.
sles15sp3:~ #  ls -l /var/lib/systemd/coredump/
total 44
-rw-r----- 1 root root 44648 Mar 16 11:36 core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000.zst
The getappcore tool is used to capture the core file data.
sles15sp3:~ # getappcore -b /usr/sbin/cron /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000.zst 
When attempting to open the application core for analysis, the following error is observed:
sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore # ./ 
./opencore.ini:14: Error in sourced command file:
is not a core dump: file format not recognized

sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore/var/lib/systemd/coredump # file core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000.zst 
 Zstandard compressed data (v0.8+), Dictionary ID: None
The core is extracted and the opencore.ini updated to reflect the filename change.
sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore/var/lib/systemd/coredump # zstd -d core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000.zst 
core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000.zst: 1421312 bytes 

sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore/var/lib/systemd/coredump # file core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000
ELF 64-bit LSB core file x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from '/usr/sbin/cron -n', 
real uid: 0, effective uid: 0, real gid: 0, effective gid: 0, 
execfn: '/usr/sbin/cron', platform: 'x86_64'

sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore # cat opencore.ini 
# Core file:
file ./usr/sbin/cron
core ./var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.cron.0.28ab0cd6798d44eb81a36636e34e6580.1893.1647452200000000
Even though the extracted file is now a valid application core file format, the following shared library error is observed with
sles15sp3:/var/log/scc_sles15sp3_cron_220316_114320_appcore # ./ 
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 7 libraries, e.g. /lib64/
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?



Use getappcore -j <PID> to extract the core from the core dump journal.
sles15sp3:~ # coredumpctl list
TIME                            PID   UID   GID SIG COREFILE  EXE
Wed 2022-03-16 11:36:40 MDT    1893     0     0  11 present   /usr/sbin/cron

sles15sp3:~ # getappcore -j 1893


Using getappcore to collect compressed core files is unsupported. They must be decompressed first or extracted from the journal.

Additional Information

Different compression methods are used to compress an application core file. SLES 12 uses xz, while SLES 15 uses zstd. They use compression libraries and zstd is not even installed by default on SLES 15. So it is best to use getappcore -j <PID> to extract the core.

Generally the -b option is not needed if getappcore can properly read the core file being collected.


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  • Document ID:000020617
  • Creation Date: 16-Mar-2022
  • Modified Date:17-Mar-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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