Running replace.osd on Storage Cluster Fails to Repalce Destroyed Disk
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Service Pack 3 (SLES 12 SP3)
ses5node111 - the cluster admin node
ses5node114 - the storage node on which the affected OSD resides.
/dev/sda - the physcial block device for osd.15
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SQEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_ses5node114_osdq - the symbolic link to /dev/sda
osd.15 - the osd ID assoicated with /dev/sda
ses5node114:~ # reboot
1. ses5node111:~ # salt-run
2. ses5node111:~ # salt-run replace.osd 15
3. ses5node114:~ # rm /etc/ceph/destroyedOSD.yml
4. ses5node111:~ # vi /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/profile-default/stack/default/ceph/minions/ses5node114.yml
Add "replace: True" to the affected disk in the *.yml file. For example,
format: bluestore
format: bluestore
replace: True
5. ses5node111:~ # salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.2
6. ses5node111:~ # salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.3
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- Document ID:7023996
- Creation Date: 09-Jul-2019
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Enterprise Storage
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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