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SUSE Manager Migration 2.1 to 3.0 with only one subscription available

This document (7018323) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Manager 2.1
SUSE Manager 3


The migration of SUSE Manager from version 2.1 to 3.0 is performed by installing a new server. As a SUSE Manager subscription will be needed (in addition to a SLES subscription), customers with only one SUSE Manager instance subscriptions could find themselves in the situation of needed two subscriptions (or a subscription allowing more than one instance) at the same time.


Just delete the registration of the old SUSE Manager 2.1 server in SCC (SUSE Customer Center, The only thing that will happen, is that this server won't be able to get updates any more. As this server is going to be turned off (and will eventually disappear), there's no downside. In order to minimize the impact (even if there is no real impact), the suggested order would be:
- Start a SLES 12 SP1 installation for a new server, which will be the new SUSE Manager 3.0 server.
- A SLES registration key will be needed. This can be provided without the need of performing any other step.
- When selecting the extensions, and choosing "SUSE Manager 3.0" extension, a SUSE Manager code will be requested. Do not enter it yet.
- Start a web browser an go to
   Log in with your credentials and select the systems tab. Then search for SUSE Manager 2.1.
   Select the option to "de-register" it. Only Organization administrators are allowed to do that.
- Now it is possible to enter the SUSE Manager code in the installation wizard.
- Continue with the migration steps as usual


The SUSE Manager subscription key only allows one instance for some (or even many) of the customers.

Additional Information

The whole documentation about how to migrate is available at:


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  • Document ID:7018323
  • Creation Date: 24-Nov-2016
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Manager

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