Ice Listen For Connection Error Pop up Window During SLES Boot
This document (7015403) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
Occasionally when booting SLES 11 SP3 the following error message pops up: "Ice Listen For Connection did not return a local listener." The system will continue normally after closing the error message box.
This error can be ignored without any adverse affect. Simply close the error message box, and SLES will continue normally.
To avoid ever having the message pop up, the temporary files in /tmp/.ICE-unix can be deleted prior to rebooting the system.
When Gnome establishes a session, an ID file is created in the directory tmp/.ICE-unix. Normally this ID should be unique, but sometimes Gnome tries to create an ID that has been created before. This causes the error “Ice Listen For Connection did not return a local listener”.
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- Document ID:7015403
- Creation Date: 21-Jul-2014
- Modified Date:28-Sep-2022
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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