HOW TO: Printing with Citrix Client
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Below this section --> [WFClient]
ClientPrinterList=SomePrinterName (i.e. OfficeJet, DeskJet 882C)
DefaultPrinter=SomePrinterName (i.e. OfficeJet)
ClientPrinterList: This can be several printers spaced by a comma, and they have to be the exact name you see after issuing the command lpstat -a from the command line. If i were to issue lpstat -a and get the output "OfficeJet accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00" then the printer name i would use is OfficeJet.
DefaultPrinter: This can be a printer name that is included in the ClientPrinterList
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- Document ID:3716199
- Creation Date: 22-Feb-2007
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
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