Announcing Trento Version 2.2.0


Version 2.2.0 deepens the observability capabilities of Trento with the integration of saptune in the console and kicks off the process to expand the configuration checks catalog to other HA scenarios, such as ASCS/ERS clusters, and other targets in the environment, such as hosts.

Saptune Web Integration

Saptune is a solution that comes with SLES for SAP and allows SAP admins to ensure that their SAP hosts are properly configured to run the corresponding SAP workloads. The integration of saptune in the Trento console gives the SAP admin visibility over the tool even when they are not working at operating system level. The integration supports saptune 3.1.0 and higher, and includes the addition of the host tuning status in the aggregated health status of the host.

Saptune Web Integration for Trento

Housekeeping Capabilities

Version 2.1.0 delivered host clean-up capabilities, allowing the SAP admin to remove from the console hosts that are no longer part of their SAP environment. But in certain scenarios, removing a host altogether might not be necessary and the SAP admin might need to remove, only, some of the instances discovered in that host. For example, imagine a host where two SAP systems are running but, for performance reasons one of them is migrated to another host. In that case, we just need to ensure that the migrated SAP system is no longer showing in the source host.

The new version of Trento covers this scenario and allows SAP Basis to do clean-up on an instance base. When a discovered instance is no longer found, a clean-up button shows up next to that particular instance both in the SAP systems overview and the corresponding SAP system details view allowing the SAP admin to get rid of it.

Trento Clean-up Capabilites

Ability to Run Host-level Configuration Checks

The new checks engine introduced by version 2.0.0 opened the door to extend the checks catalog beyond HA clusters, to other targets in the environment such as hosts, HANA databases and SAP systems. Version 2.2.0 is a first step in that process and enables the application to perform host specific checks. Soon we will have in our catalog saptune specific checks, complementing the integration of saptune in the Trento web console, and hardening checks, ensuring that our hosts are properly configured from a security point of view.

Trento Host Configuration Checks

In addition to the features listed above, version 2.2.0 comes with a full set of new gatherers that will allow us to implement new configuration checks for ASCS/ERS clusters. It also delivers a number of bug fixes, including a correction on how the application handles scenarios where two instances in the same SAP system share the same instance number.

Are you wanting to upgrade or try out Trento?

Follow the instructions in our documentation to get started.

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Alberto Bravo With an academic background in Applied Maths, Alberto devoted the 21 first years of his professional career to the world of SAP Basis. In these years he worked both for the consulting side and the end-customer side, and wore many different hats along the way: from individual contributor as Basis resource or SAP Architect to project or team manager leading complex initiatives in complex SAP environments. Two years ago, Alberto joined SUSE to become the Product Owner of Trento, a solution that SUSE is developing under the umbrella of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications to help SAP Basis resources in their day-to-day work. As a former SAP Basis resource himself, Alberto's goal is to bring his experince on the field to the table and make Trento as useful as possible for his fellow Basis colleagues. Alberto is particularly interested in the migration of SAP workloads to the cloud and the automation of SAP deployments and their operation in hyperscalers. Originally from Spain, Alberto has spent most of his career in the United States and it´s only recently that he relocated back to Europe.