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SMT: How to re-create a corrupted MariaDB database.

This document (000020876) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


Subscription Management Tool
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 GA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5


The MariaDB database of a running SMT server is corrupted and must be re-created.


In order to re-create a corrupted database, open a root session on the SMT server and follow these steps:

1- Stop SMT and MariaDB services with:

# systemctl stop apache2.service

# systemctl stop mysql.service

# systemctl stop smt.service

2- Double-check that services are stopped:

# systemctl status apache2.service

# systemctl status mysql.service

# systemctl status smt.service

3- Once all services are stopped, create a backup copy of the SMT configuration file:

# cp -p /etc/smt.conf /etc/smt.conf.bck

4- Then proceed with the uninstallation of MariaDB:

# zypper remove mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages libmysqlclient18 perl-DBD-mysql

5- Once the packages are removed, then clean-up manually all the database files:

NOTE: deleting files in /var/lib/mysql/ will destroy all MariaDB databases and data.

# rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*

6- Reinstall MariaDB with:

# zypper install mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages libmysqlclient18 perl-DBD-mysql smt

7- Start the MariaDB service:

# systemctl start mysql.service

# systemctl status mysql.service

8- Set the root password for MariaDB with:

# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'NEW-PASS-HERE'

9- Create SMT database, follow the instructions on screen, set a password for the "root" user, then create the user "smt" and assign it the same password used for the "root" user.:

# /usr/lib/SMT/bin/smt-db setup

10- Initialize the SMT database with:

# /usr/lib/SMT/bin/smt-db migrate
# /usr/bin/smt-schema-upgrade

11- Restore the SMT configuration file from the backup copy, and assign the proper permissions to the SMT related files:

# cp -p /etc/smt.conf.bck /etc/smt.conf

# /usr/lib/SMT/bin/ -y --user smt

12- Restart MariaDB and start SMT services:

# systemctl start smt.service

# systemctl start apache2.service

# systemctl restart mysql.service

13- Once the SMT is up and running, run the reset and the sync operations:

# smt-register --debug --verboselevel 127 --reseterror

# smt-sync --debug --verboselevel 127 --logfile /tmp/smt-sync-d3.txt



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  • Document ID:000020876
  • Creation Date: 29-Nov-2022
  • Modified Date:29-Nov-2022
    • Subscription Management Tool
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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