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Customizing Menu's in SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10

This document (3316185) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10


This document describes the method of adding menu items to the Gnome menu.


Because there is not a shipping utility with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 for managing the menu systems, this has to be done by hand. To add a menu item, use the following process :
  1. Obtain the icon (usually a *.png file or a *.xpm file). These are typically placed in "/usr/share/icons/" .
  2. Change to the "/usr/share/applications/" directory.
  3. Here, a *.desktop file must be created. Often, applications will include a .desktop file that should be copied into this location. If none is received, it is easier to copy an existing .desktop file to a new one.
  4. Edit the new .desktop file using a text editor. Alter it as needed (see the additional notes section for a commented example).
  5. Save the file.
  6. If the menu does NOT show up, log out, and then log back in. This will force a refresh.

Additional Information

Example *.desktop file contents
[Desktop Entry]
Comment= <Nxxxxx> Example
Descriptions of entries in the above example are as follows :
  • Name is what the application will show up as in the menu.
  • Comment is typically used in "pop ups" or context menus for more specific information.
  • Exec is the command to be run, or "executed".
  • Icon is the picture to use in the menu.
  • Terminal is the flag if the application is to be run in a terminal window (o = no, 1 = yes).
  • Type should be Application.
  • Categories are what the application should be listed under in the menu.


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  • Document ID:3316185
  • Creation Date: 08-Aug-2006
  • Modified Date:09-Jun-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

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