
We bring together accomplished and aspiring cloud native practitioners to develop practical cloud native knowledge and skills, to discover and explore new technologies and ideas and to share our passion and expertise.

SUSE&Rancher COmmunity


March 25th, 2024

Announcing the Harvester v1.3.0 release

Last week – on the 15th of March 2024 – the Harvester team excitingly shared their latest release,

March 15th, 2024

How NeuVector Leverages eBPF to Improve Observability and Security

Extended Berkeley Packet Filter There’s been a lot of recent interest in eBPF (extended Berkeley...

March 15th, 2024

Rancher Desktop 1.13: With Support for WebAssembly and More

We are delighted to announce the release of Rancher Desktop 1.13.0! This update comes with the basic...

June 19th, 2024

SUSE uruchamia program Cloud Elevate dla swoich partnerów handlowych

SUSE uruchomiła nowy program SUSE One Cloud Elevate, umożliwiającym partnerom SUSE One sprzedaż...

June 19th, 2024

Nowości SUSE w systemach Linux i do zarządzania wirtualizacją, środowiskami cloud-native i platformami edge

Na SUSECON 2024 w Berlinie SUSE ogłosiła wprowadzenie nowych funkcjonalności w swojej ofercie...

June 18th, 2024

Nowa oferta SUSE Liberty Linux Lite dla użytkowników CentOS 7

SUSE wprowadziła na rynek nową ofertę na SUSE Liberty Linux, która ma pomóc chronić systemy CentOS...