Streamline the container infrastructure
A purpose-built container host, designed to be deployed at scale or as a standalone host, that enables workloads to run securely with minimal maintenance in a compliance-ready IT
Its near-zero management complexity and design for both standalone host and K8S cluster host on-premises, at the perimeter, and in the cloud make it the perfect virtual and container host for any containerized deployment without vendor-lockin
A small footprint, enterprise-grade, and mission-critical host with seamless Live Patching integration and a fully supported security framework targeting the highest security certifications enables a secure and compliant containerized IT that eases compliance assurance, minimizing liability
An immutable OS with transactional updates for an enterprise-ready platform with the simplest operation. Its near-zero management complexity and seamless maintenance routines, together with Live Patching support, streamline maintenance and enhance the security of the containerized infrastructure
"We are one of the first companies to work with SUSE Linux Micro to implement a maintenance-free infrastructure for innovative new cluster concepts for edge devices."
SUSE Linux Micro 6.0 features
The next-gen Linux container and virtual host combines the assurance of enterprise-grade security and compliance with the immutability and portability of a lightweight OS
Immutable OS with transactional updates
Immutable design ensures the OS is not altered during runtime, ensuring a reliable execution every single time. Security-signed and verified transactional updates can be easily rolled back if needed.
Security and Compliance
Ensure data security with a Confidential Computing-ready OS supporting TPM2 full disk encryption and SELinux. Built on a secure software supply chain and targeting the highest security certifications, SUSE Linux Micro 6.0 de-risk compliance and minimizes liability to meet stringent enterprise requirements.
Architectural Flexibility
You have flexibility in choosing the right hardware platform for your applications. SUSE Linux Micro supports x86-64, Arm 64bit, and IBM Z & LinuxONE architectures, so you can deploy applications with confidence across multiple architectures.
Standalone and Kubernetes host
Perfect for easy-to-maintain standalone container deployment and easily combined with the latest cloud-native technologies, including Rancher Prime, RKE2, SUSE Storage persistent block storage, and K3S, for use anywhere.
Get Started with SUSE Linux Micro

Your modernization journey is as unique as your business. We work with you and your team to identify starting points, design solutions, implement best practices, and optimize for continual success.
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Training Services
If skills are inhibiting your transformation, SUSE Training is your answer. Our comprehensive portfolio of courses and certification paths provide the training that fits your needs, your schedule, and your business.
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Support Services
Extend your SUSE support with direct, named access to a resource who knows you, your team, and your infrastructure. Keep up with the pace of change and customer expectations, while still taking care of everyday business.
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