Solutions pour partenaires certifiés Développées et vérifiées.

Les solutions validées et certifiées & SUSE vous permettent d’adopter en toute confiance un ensemble de technologies compatibles et adaptées à vos besoins, prêtes à vous aider à stimuler votre moteur d'innovation.

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Solutions partenaires SUSE One

Erik Sterck GmbH FramES with Rancher achieve successful digital transformation with a “single button” approach to building and managing cloud native DevOps environments.

Speedscale for Rancher provides you with the tools you need to rapidly stress test your cloud native applications with real-world scenarios and gain confidence in your software releases. 

TrilioVault for Kubernetes with Rancher enable your cloud native landscape with application-centric data protection for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and application migration and mobility.

Kasten K10 by Veeam® empowers  enterprises with an easy-to-use, scalable, and secure system for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and mobility of cloud native applications across their Rancher landscapes.