Following these guidelines can help ensure successful contract and order submission.
- Only use contract terms posted on the website to ensure you have the most recent version (old contract versions will be rejected by SUSE)
- All of the following must be received by SUSE before your contract can be processed:
- (2) signed copies of the contract (mail the original)
- a copy of either your Purchase Order or the reseller order form
- the SUSE Premium Service contact information (if applicable)
- Any addendums to your agreement
- Fill out the form completely and correctly:
- Make sure you submit a signed contract to SUSE (see above)
- The contract must be counter-signed by SUSE Contracts and Negotiations personnel (not the Sales force) otherwise the contract will be void
- You must include all customer information requested on the form, such as customer name, email address, phone number and fax number
- Customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa should complete the MLA Order Form (xls) and submit with their Purchase Order. This form has been developed in place of the Schedule C to ensure all required information is included with the order. Filling out this form and submitting it along with the MLA PO can help avoid delays in order processing or fulfillment. See details below for additional information.
MLA Orders for customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa
The following information must be included on each MLA order (see MLA Order Form above):
- Customer name as stated on the MLA contract
- MLA Contract / Membership Number
- PO Number: This should be a confirmed purchase order number and not a purchase requisition number
- Ship-to address (PO boxes not accepted)
- Customer VAT number
- Customer contact name within organization to receive product
- Customer contact telephone / fax number
- Local SUSE Account Manager
- The address to which invoices will be sent
- Correct SUSE product description
- Correct SUSE part number. This is also available on the SUSE Corporate Price List and should always be quoted in order to avoid errors
- Quantity required for each line item
- Unit list price of line item
- Discounted unit price for each line item
- List price less reseller discount band, where applicable, (see below) relating to customer membership discount level and reseller level of compensation. If you have any doubts concerning the customer discount, or your level of compensation, then please contact your SUSE Account Manager for clarification
- Extended price
- Discounted unit price multiplied by quantity
- Corresponding maintenance information (same as that for product licenses). Under the MLA program, maintenance must be purchased for each product license on your order.
- Maintenance start and end dates
- Additional products and services information
- Any Software Media and License keys, including the NSRLL, should be noted here
- Orders for SUSE Premium Service or SUSE Consulting can only be processed if customer contact names and phone numbers are supplied
- Consulting orders should be separate from regular license and maintenance, as these processing cycle of these orders can differ from standard orders
- Total NET order value. This helps SUSE to reconcile our Sales Order Value with the purchase order