Container Logging with Docker and ELK - September 2015 Recorded Online Meetup | SUSE Communities

Container Logging with Docker and ELK – September 2015 Recorded Online Meetup


container loggingContainer
logging is a common challenge for container deployments. Logging with
containers is a bit different than traditional logging, because the logs
for each container are nested within the container. On September 16th,
we hosted an online meetup discussing all aspects of container logging,
and demonstrating how to build a scalable logging service for Docker
and Rancher that uses Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK), along
with Logspout. In the meetup Rancher DevOps lead Bill Maxwell discussed:
• Docker Logging Challenges • Options for gathering logs from containers
• System and Application logging requirements • Deploying an ELK stack
using Docker Compose with Rancher • Scaling and managing a production
ELK deployment You can view a recording of the meetup below. Bill also
recently posted a blog about how he built our ELK

here at Rancher Labs. If you’d like to Learn more about Rancher, please
join our Betaprogram.

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