Building a Super-Fast Docker CI/CD Pipeline with Rancher and DroneCI | SUSE Communities

Building a Super-Fast Docker CI/CD Pipeline with Rancher and DroneCI

Build a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes and Rancher
Recorded Online Meetup of best practices and tools for building pipelines with containers and kubernetes.

At Higher Education, we’ve tested and used
quite a few CI/CD tools for our Docker CI pipeline. Using Rancher and
Drone CI has proven to be the simplest, fastest, and most enjoyable
experience we’ve found to date. From the moment code is pushed/merged
to a deployment branch, code is tested, built, and deployed to
production in about half the time of cloud-hosted solutions – as little
as three to five minutes (Some apps take longer due to a larger
build/test process). Drone builds are also extremely easy for our
developers to configure and maintain, and getting it setup on Rancher is
just like everything else on Rancher – very simple.

Our Top Requirements for a CI/CD Pipeline

The CI/CD pipeline is really the core of the DevOps experience and is
certainly the most impactful for our developers. From a developer
perspective, the two things that matter most for a CI/CD pipeline are
speed and simplicity. Speed is #1 on the list, because nothing’s worse
than pushing out one line of code and waiting for 20 minutes for it to
get to production. Or even worse…when there is a production issue, a
developer pushes out a hot fix only to have company dollars continue to
grow wings and fly away as your deployment pipeline churns. Simplicity
is #2, because in an ideal world, developers can build and maintain
their own application deployment configurations. This makes life easier
for everyone in the long run. You certainly don’t want developers
knocking on your (Slack) door every time their build fails for some

Docker CI/CD Pipeline Speed Pain points

While immutable containers are far superior to maintaining stateful
servers, they do have a few drawbacks – the biggest one being
deployment speed: It’s slower to build and deploy a container image
than to simply push code to an existing server. Here are all the places
that a Docker deployment pipeline can spend time: 1) [CI: pull base image for application from
Docker registry] 2) [CI: build test image (with test dependencies) and
run tests] 3) [CI: build production image (no test dependencies)] 4)
[CI: push application image to Docker Registry] 5) [Infrastructure:
pull application image from Docker Registry] 6) [Stop old containers,
start new ones] Depending on the size of your application
and how long it takes to build, latency with the Docker registry (steps
1, 4, 5) is probably where most of your time will be spent during a
Docker build. Application build time (steps 2, 3) might be a fixed
variable, but it also might be drastically affected by the memory or CPU
cores available to the build process. If you’re using a cloud-hosted CI
solution, then you don’t have control over where the CI servers run
(registry latency might be really slow) and you might not have control
over the type of servers/instances running (application build might be
slow). There will also be a lot of repeated work for every build such
as downloading base images for every build.

Enter Drone CI

Drone runs on your Rancher infrastructure much like a tool like Jenkins
would, but, unlike Jenkins, Drone is Docker-native – every part of your
build process is a container. Running on your infrastructure speeds up
the build process, since base images can be shared across builds or even
projects. You can also avoid a LOT of latency if you push to a Docker
registry that is on your own infrastructure such as ECR for AWS. Drone
being Docker-native removes a lot of configuration friction as well.
Anyone who’s had to configure Jenkins knows that this is a big plus. A
standard Drone deployment does something like this:

  • Run a container to notify Slack that a build has started
  • Configure any base image for your “test” container, code gets
    injected and tests run in the container
  • Run a container that builds and pushes your production image (to
    Docker Hub, AWS ECR, etc)
  • Run a container that tells Rancher to upgrade a service
  • Run a container to notify Slack that a build has completed/failed

A .drone.yml file looks strikingly similar to a docker-compose.yml file
– just a list of containers. Since each step has a container dedicated
to that task, configuration of that step is usually very simple.

Getting Drone Up and Running

The to do list here is simple:

  • Register a new GitHub OAuth app
  • Create a Drone environment in Rancher
  • Add a “Drone Server” host and one or more “Drone Worker” hosts
    • Add a drone=server tag to the Drone Server host
  • Run the Drone stack

The instance sizes are up to you – at Higher Education we prefer fewer,
more powerful workers, since that results in faster builds. (We’ve
found that one powerful worker tends to handle builds just fine for
teams of seven) Once your drone servers are up, you can run this stack:

version: '2'
    image: drone/drone:0.5
      DRONE_GITHUB: 'true'
      DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT: <github client>
      DRONE_GITHUB_SECRET: <github secret>
      DRONE_OPEN: 'true'
      DRONE_ORGS: myGithubOrg
      DRONE_SECRET: <make up a secret!>
      DRONE_ADMIN: someuser,someotheruser,
      DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE: user:password@tcp(databaseurl:3306)/drone?parseTime=true
    - /drone:/var/lib/drone/
    - 80:8000/tcp
      io.rancher.scheduler.affinity:host_label: drone=server
    image: drone/drone:0.5
      DRONE_SECRET: <make up a secret!>
      DRONE_SERVER: ws://drone-server:8000/ws/broker
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    - agent
      io.rancher.scheduler.affinity:host_label_ne: drone=server 'true'

This will run one Drone Server on your drone=server host, and one
drone agent on every other host in your environment. Backing Drone with
MySQL via the DATABASE_DRIVER and DATASOURCE values are optional,
but highly recommended. We use a small RDS instance. Once the stack is
up and running, you can login to your Drone Server IP address and turn
on a repo for builds (from the Account menu). You’ll notice that
there’s really no configuration for each repo from the Drone UI. It all
happens via a .drone.yml file checked into each repository.

Adding a Build Configuration

To build and test a node.js project, add a .drone.yml file to your repo
that looks like this:

    image: node:6.10.0
      - yarn install
      - yarn test

It’s simple and to-the-point, your build step simply sets the container
image that the repository code gets put in and specifies the commands to
run in that container. Anything else will be managed with Drone
, which are just containers designed
for one task. Since plugins live in Docker Hub, you don’t install
, just add them to your .drone.yml file A more full-featured build
like I mentioned above uses Slack, ECR, and Rancher plugins to create
this .drone.yml:

    image: plugins/slack
    webhook: <your slack webhook url>
    channel: deployments
    username: drone
    template: "<{{}}|Deployment #{{build.number}} started> on <{{repo.owner}}/{{}}/tree/{{build.branch}}|{{}}:{{build.branch}}> by {{}}"
      branch: [ master, staging ]
    image: <your base image, say node:6.10.0>
      - yarn install
      - yarn test
      - SOME_ENV_VAR=some-value
    image: plugins/ecr
    access_key: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
    secret_key: ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
    repo: <your repo name>
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    storage_path: /drone/docker
    image: peloton/drone-rancher
    url: <your rancher url>
    access_key: ${RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY}
    secret_key: ${RANCHER_SECRET_KEY}
    service: core/platform
    docker_image: <image to pull>
    confirm: true
    timeout: 240
    image: plugins/slack
    webhook: <your slack webhook>
    channel: deployments
    username: drone
      branch: [ master, staging ]
      status: [ success, failure ]

While this may be 40 lines, it’s extremely readable and 80% of this is
copy and paste from the Drone plugin docs. (Try doing all of these
things in a cloud hosted CI platform and you’ll likely have a day’s
worth of docs-reading ahead of you.) Notice how each plugin really
doesn’t need much configuration. If you want to use Docker Hub instead
of ECR, use the Docker
That about it! In a few minutes, you can have a fully-functioning CD
pipeline up and running. It’s also a good idea to use the Rancher
Janitor catalog stack to keep your workers’ disk space from filling up,
just know that the less-often you clean up, the faster your builds will
be, as more layers will be cached. Will Stern is a Software Architect
for HigherEducation and also provides Docker training through and O’Reilly Video Training.

Build a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes and Rancher
Recorded Online Meetup of best practices and tools for building pipelines with containers and kubernetes.
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