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Showing SOK Status in Cluster Monitoring Tools Workaround

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This is a technical advanced Workaround to make the SOK Status more visible in the Cluster. It applies to SAP Hana Scale up - Performance Optimized Scenarios on SLE 11 and SLE 12.


Using the Performance Optimized Best Practice Guide for Hana on SLES, the information whether the HANA is ready to do a failover in case of a failure of the primary is not obvious. And only if the Synchronisation is in sync the Resource Agent will do a promote on the Secondary in case of Failure of the Primary.

Whether the System is detected in this state could be checked by using the


from SAPHanaSR RPM which shows the System Replication state.

As an alternative it would be possible to invoke

  crm_mon -A

and check in the Attribute Section for "SOK" on the Secondary.

In some scenarios, where maybe only the HAWK output or the simple crm_mon output is checked this information is not visible.

Note: If there is a SAPHana Hook in place, this takes precedence over the SOK status from the Monitor Operation. Meaning, in case of the hook the SOK is not as relevant anymore. 



The information necessary is already in the cluster cib. One can add a Resource that will actually work like a flag. And add a location constraint that only allows the start of the resource if the cluster detects "SOK" for a HANA.

Assuming the SID of the HANA in question would be HA1

First one creates the Resource that will act as Flag

   crm configure primitive rsc_HANAinSync_HA1_HDB00 Dummy

the name is the relevant information in this case. And then comes the location rule

   crm configure location loc_HA1_HDB00_inSync
rsc_HANAinSync_HA1_HDB00 rule -inf: not_defined hana_ha1_sync_state or hana_ha1_sync_state ne "SOK"

to make it more generally and easy understood, the logic is  encapsulated in the location rule in the

 not_defined hana_ha1_sync_state
 hana_ha1_sync_state ne "SOK"

which queries the cluster for an Attribute


which will only exist and be set, if there is a Hana with SID HA1 running and in status sync ok.

Which means that in case of a HANA with SID PL4 it would look like

   crm configure primitive rsc_HANAinSync_PL4_HDB00 Dummy

   crm configure location loc_PL4_HDB00_inSync
rsc_HANAinSync_PL4_HDB00 rule -inf: not_defined hana_pl4_sync_state or hana_pl4_sync_state ne "SOK"

The adaption of the SID in the Resource Name of the Flag Resource is not necessary from a code level, but it is the relevant information to be passed by the cluster to the Administrator.

Example from a system

oldhanad2:~ # crm_mon -A1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: oldhanad1 (version 1.1.16-6.5.1-77ea74d) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Nov 16 15:50:15 2018
Last change: Fri Nov 16 15:49:49 2018 by root via crm_attribute on oldhanad1

2 nodes configured
7 resources configured

Online: [ oldhanad1 oldhanad2 ]

Active resources:

 billythekid    (stonith:external/sbd): Started oldhanad1
 rsc_ip_HD0_HDB00       (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started oldhanad1
 Master/Slave Set: msl_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00 [rsc_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00]
     Masters: [ oldhanad1 ]
     Slaves: [ oldhanad2 ]
 Clone Set: cln_SAPHanaTopology_HD0_HDB00 [rsc_SAPHanaTopology_HD0_HDB00]
     Started: [ oldhanad1 oldhanad2 ]

Node Attributes:
* Node oldhanad1:
    + hana_hd0_clone_state              : PROMOTED 
    + hana_hd0_op_mode                  : logreplay
    + hana_hd0_remoteHost               : oldhanad2
    + hana_hd0_roles                    : 4:P:master1:master:worker:master
    + hana_hd0_site                     : matti    
    + hana_hd0_srmode                   : sync     
    + hana_hd0_sync_state               : PRIM     
    + hana_hd0_version                  :
    + hana_hd0_vhost                    : oldhanad1
    + lpa_hd0_lpt                       : 1542379789
    + master-rsc_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00      : 150      
* Node oldhanad2:
    + hana_hd0_clone_state              : DEMOTED  
    + hana_hd0_op_mode                  : logreplay
    + hana_hd0_remoteHost               : oldhanad1
    + hana_hd0_roles                    : 4:S:master1:master:worker:master
    + hana_hd0_site                     : teppo    
    + hana_hd0_srmode                   : sync     
    + hana_hd0_sync_state               : SOK      
    + hana_hd0_version                  :
    + hana_hd0_vhost                    : oldhanad2
    + lpa_hd0_lpt                       : 30       
    + master-rsc_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00      : 100      

the SID is hd0 and the attribute to look for would be hana_hd0_sync_state, the commands to enter would be in this case

 oldhanad2:~ # crm configure primitive rsc_HANAinSync_HD0_HDB00 Dummy
 oldhanad2:~ #


 oldhanad2:~ # crm configure location loc_HD0_HDB00_inSync rsc_HANAinSync_HD0_HDB00 rule -inf: not_defined hana_hd0_sync_state or hana_hd0_sync_state ne "SOK"
 oldhanad2:~ #

which will result in

Stack: corosync
Current DC: oldhanad1 (version 1.1.16-6.5.1-77ea74d) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Nov 16 15:53:23 2018
Last change: Fri Nov 16 15:52:57 2018 by root via crm_attribute on oldhanad1

2 nodes configured
8 resources configured

Online: [ oldhanad1 oldhanad2 ]

Active resources:

billythekid     (stonith:external/sbd): Started oldhanad1
rsc_ip_HD0_HDB00        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started oldhanad1
 Master/Slave Set: msl_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00 [rsc_SAPHana_HD0_HDB00]
     Masters: [ oldhanad1 ]
     Slaves: [ oldhanad2 ]
 Clone Set: cln_SAPHanaTopology_HD0_HDB00 [rsc_SAPHanaTopology_HD0_HDB00]
     Started: [ oldhanad1 oldhanad2 ]
rsc_HANAinSync_HD0_HDB00      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started oldhanad2

the resource rsc_HANAinSync_HD0_HDB00 will not be active if the Hana with SID HD0 is not in SOK, sync ok, state.

Additional Information

The location rule logic is a variation of a pingd setup.

Small script to create needed resource according to Best Practice Guide: 
cat <<EOF >
SID=$1 ; NU=$2
echo crm configure primitive rsc_HANAinSync_${SID^^}_HDB$NU Dummy
echo crm configure location loc_${SID^^}_HDB$NU_inSync rsc_HANAinSync_${SID^^}_HDB$NU rule -inf: not_defined hana_"${SID,,}"_sync_state or hana_"${SID,,}"_sync_state ne "SOK"
Then execute the above script by passing SID and Instance Number, the script will print the needed crm commands to create the needed resources. Please review them before applying them. 



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  • Document ID:7023526
  • Creation Date: 16-Nov-2018
  • Modified Date:05-Dec-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension

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