redis-sentinel service does not start after upgrading to SLES 15 SP4
This document (000021009) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
"Sentinel config file /etc/redis/sentinel-redis.conf is not writable: Permission denied. Exiting..."q
/usr/sbin/redis-sentinel /etc/redis/sentinel-redis.conf &redis package affected 6.2.6-150400.3.11.1
As workaround it's also possible to add ReadWritePaths=/etc/redis into the [Service] section of /usr/lib/systemd/system/redis-sentinel@.service file:
[Unit] Description=Redis Sentinel instance: %i [Service] Type=notify User=redis Group=redis PrivateTmp=true # added automatically, for details please see # ProtectClock=yes ProtectControlGroups=yes ProtectHome=yes ProtectHostname=yes ProtectKernelLogs=yes ProtectKernelModules=yes ProtectKernelTunables=yes ProtectProc=default ProtectSystem=full # end of automatic additions PIDFile=/run/redis/ ExecStart=/usr/sbin/redis-sentinel /etc/redis/sentinel-%i.conf LimitNOFILE=10240 Restart=on-failure ReadWritePaths=/etc/redis [Install]
Then run:
systemctl daemon-reload
#==[ Command ]======================================# # /bin/systemctl show 'redis-sentinel@redis.service' | sort [Unit] Description=Redis Sentinel instance: %i [Service] Type=notify User=redis Group=redis PrivateTmp=true # added automatically, for details please see # ProtectClock=yes ProtectControlGroups=yes ProtectHome=yes ProtectHostname=yes ProtectKernelLogs=yes ProtectKernelModules=yes ProtectKernelTunables=yes ProtectProc=default ProtectSystem=full # end of automatic additions PIDFile=/run/redis/ ExecStart=/usr/sbin/redis-sentinel /etc/redis/sentinel-%i.conf LimitNOFILE=10240 Restart=on-failure [Install]
redis-sentinel by design needs to have write access on its own configuration file otherwise it will exit if it cannot write to it.
Additional Information
From man systemd.exec
ProtectSystem= Takes a boolean argument or the special values "full" or "strict". If true, mounts the /usr/ and the boot loader directories (/boot and /efi) read-only for processes invoked by this unit. If set to "full", the /etc/ directory is mounted read-only, too. If set to "strict" the entire file system hierarchy is mounted read-only, except for the API file system subtrees /dev/, /proc/ and /sys/ (protect these directories using PrivateDevices=, ProtectKernelTunables=, ProtectControlGroups=). This setting ensures that any modification of the vendor-supplied operating system (and optionally its configuration, and local mounts) is prohibited for the service. It is recommended to enable this setting for all long-running services, unless they are involved with system updates or need to modify the operating system in other ways. If this option is used, ReadWritePaths= may be used to exclude specific directories from being made read-only. This setting is implied if DynamicUser= is set. This setting cannot ensure protection in all cases. In general it has the same limitations as ReadOnlyPaths=, see below. Defaults to off.
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- Document ID:000021009
- Creation Date: 09-Mar-2023
- Modified Date:20-Mar-2023
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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