Release Notes for SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86

SP1 Release Notes

A comprehensive list of what Service Pack 1 includes (Features, driver updates) can be found in the file Notes on the CD.

These release notes are structured as follows:

If you intend to install the SLES9 GA release, skip the following section "SP1 Release Notes" and start reading below with the "GA Release Notes" section.

SP1 Release Notes

Installing with SP1

SP1 is just another install CD. It is important to ensure that you ether boot of it directly or copy the file "driverupdate" to the installation server.

SPident Reports the Service Pack Level

SPident is a tool to identify the Service Pack level of the current installation.

SPident may report that the system has not reached the level of Service Pack 1. This happens, when so-called "optional" updates, which will not be automatically installed by YOU, are not manually selected during update. If you use or need any of these packages which have optional updates you should select these in order to reach SP1 level.

OCFS2 module missing in SP1

The OCFS2 kernel module is missing in SP1. It will be included in a later kernel update. Please see Oracle bug 4112062 for information on when it will be available.

Microsoft Windows(R) or Samba Server as Installation Server

If you use a Microsoft Windows system or a Samba server to share the SLES 9 SP 1 installation source, it might happen that the download fails after several packages. In this case ignore the error message and restart the download and the install process. Then the remaining packages are downloaded and installed.

Systems with PCI-Express (PCI-E) Chipset

With SLES9 and SLES9-SP1, Memory Mapped Configuration (mmconfig) of PCI Express is not fully supported. As many of the newer EM64T systems are equipped with these chipsets, we expect problems in this area. A work-around is to disable 'mmconfig' by adding 'pci=nommconf' to the kernel command line.

The absence of PCI-E slots is not sufficient indication that the system is not based on a PCI-E chipset. Check the lspci output or refer to your system manual to be sure.

Using the Rescue System on Systems with Many Devices

The rescue system contains device nodes for a limited number of devices. If your system has more devices, use the command


on the command line. This creates the missing device nodes in /dev for all devices that are listed in /sys.

Apache Modules util_ldap and mod_auth_ldap

The apache modules util_ldap and mod_auth_ldap have been updated from 2.0.49 to 2.0.52 level, because of the number of bugs fixed in these modules. They are still declared experimental by the authors. The update causes a minor binary incompatibility in the API exposed by the util_ldap module. Only third-party software built directly on top of util_ldap is affected by this incompatibility. There is *no* incompatible change in the functionality provided by the two modules or in their configuration.

GA Release Notes

These release notes cover the following areas:


Updated SLES 9 manuals and translations of YaST messages

You will find the SLES 9 manuals in pdf format on CD1 in the directory "docu". They contain a vast collection of valuable information. Please read them as they may answer many questions for you. Translations for YaST are also included.

Feedback on documentation and translations should be mailed to

Polish language support

If Polish language support is needed, please make sure to install the packages kde3-i18n-pl and yast2-trans-pl. You have to select them manually from the selection list.

3-D Support for nVidia Graphics Cards

The RPM packages NVIDIA_GLX and NVIDIA_kernel for the nVidia driver with 3-D support are no longer available. To install the nVidia driver, use the nVidia-driver patch in YOU (YaST Online Update). The drivers for 2D support are still included in SLES.

Removable Media / subfs

Removable media are now integrated via subfs. It is not necessary to mount the media manually. A cd /media/* triggers the automatic mounting. Note that media cannot be ejected while a program is accessing them.

vmware Installation

If you install within vmware, you should disable acceleration in vmware: Edit-> Virtual Machine Settings -> Options -> Advanced -> Disable acceleration

Lustre Clustering File System Support

We have included Lustre as the cluster capable file system of our choice. For Novell support offerings regarding Lustre please contact

Globus Toolkit 2.0

The Globus Toolkit 2.0 was part of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8. Because of major changes in the Globus TK API and of binaries we have decided to not include Globus Toolkit 2.x or 3.x into SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9. Support for the Globus Toolkit is available through a consulting agreement. Please contact for available offerings.


The Common Internet File System (CIFS) which is shipped together with the Kernel is currently not supported. The current implementation is not stable enough to work in a production environment.


Network Device Setup

The network device setup has been changed. Previously the configuration of a non-existing interface triggered initialisation of the hardware. Now, new hardware is searched for and initialised first, which then triggers the setup of the new network interface.

Additionally new names are introduced for the configuration files. Since the name of a network interface is created dynamically and the usage of hotplug devices increases more and more, a name like ethX is not usable anymore for configuration purposes. Therefore we now use unique descriptions like the MAC-address or the PCI slot for naming of interface configurations.

Note: You can use interface names once they are present. ifup eth0 / ifdown eth0 still works.

The configuration for devices is found in /etc/sysconfig/hardware. The interfaces these devices provide is found as usual (only with different names) in /etc/sysconfig/network.

An extended README is available under /usr/share/doc/packages/sysconfig/README.


If the DHCP daemon is set to start at boot time and the system is updated from SLES8 to SLES9, this setting will be lost during the update process due to a packaging bug. To re-enable starting of the DHCP server at boot time, use the command chkconfig -a dhcpd or, alternatively, the YaST2 runlevel editor.

Sound configuration

After an update from an older distribution the sound cards will have to be reconfigured. This can be done using the sound module of YaST2. Invoke YaST as user root using the command yast2 sound.

Non UTF-8 filenames

Files on filesystems created by 9.0 and older distributions (when not set otherwise) use non-UTF-8 encoding. If these file names contain non ASCII characters, they will be garbled on SLES 9 and later versions. One fix is to use the convmv script which changes the encoding of the files to UTF-8.

XML Stylesheets and DTDs

The FHS now requires XML resources (DTDs, stylesheets, etc.) to be installed in /usr/share/xml. Therefore, some directories are no longer available in /usr/share/sgml. If you encounter problems, modify your scripts or makefiles or use the official catalogs (especially /etc/xml/catalog or /etc/sgml/catalog).

Codepage with mounting VFAT partitions

When mounting VFAT partitions the parameter formerly called code= must be changed to codepage=. If mounting a VFAT partition causes problems, check if the file /etc/fstab contains the old name for the parameter.

Apache 1.3 has been replaced by Apache 2

The apache web server (version 1.3) has been replaced by apache2 (version 2.0.49). A system update on a machine with a HTTP server installation will remove the apache package, install apache2 after which will need to adapt your setup manually, because there is no automated facility available.

Configuration files that were under /etc/httpd are now in /etc/apache2. Apache2 requires either package apache2-prefork (recommended for stability) or apache2-worker.

During update there may be some conflicts requiring manual attention

Known issues:

Using SAMBA with LDAP

If you used Samba on SLES 8 with SAMBA_SAM set to "ldap" in /etc/sysconfig/samba you need to migrate your Samba LDAP configuration to the new Samba 3 LDAP schema as included in SLES 9. You can find additional information how to migrate your Samba LDAP configuration at

Raw Devices

There have been significant changes in the implementation of raw devices. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/packages/util-linux/README.raw which is provided in the util-linux package.


Some systems might not install with the default settings.

In this case first try the "Installation - ACPI Disabled" option, and if this doesn't work either, choose the option "Installation - Safe Settings".

Please report these cases via

Installing with an FTP-Server

If you use an FTP-Server to provide the CDs for installation, there is a restriction for the path you specify during the installation. Currently, you may only specify relative paths. That means that every path specified starts at the login directory of the ftp server. There is no difference whether you use a personal or anonymous login.

Same CD requested twice

Depending on the selection you chose it is possible that some CDs have to be inserted twice during the installation process. This is a known issue, but due to dependencies it cannot always be avoided. A workaround is to install via network or harddisk instead of CDs.

PCI Hotplug

To support real PCI hotplug, the acpiphp kernel module needs to be loaded by the pci.rc script. You can enable this by setting the sysconfig variable HOTPLUG_DO_REAL_PCI_HOTPLUG=yes.

Setting up an installation server for network installations

To set up an installation Server for installations via NFS/FTP/HTTP the CDs have to be copied into a special directory structure.

Go to a directory of your choice and execute the following commands:

mkdir -p installroot/sles9/CD1

# now copy the contents of SLES CD1 into this directory

mkdir -p installroot/core9/CD1

# now copy the contents of SLES CD2 into this directory

mkdir -p installroot/core9/CD2

# now copy the contents of SLES CD3 into this directory

mkdir -p installroot/core9/CD3

# now copy the contents of SLES CD4 into this directory

mkdir -p installroot/core9/CD4

# now copy the contents of SLES CD5 into this directory

mkdir -p installroot/core9/CD5

# now copy the contents of SLES CD6 into this directory

cd installroot

ln -s sles9/CD1/boot boot

ln -s sles9/CD1/content content

ln -s sles9/CD1/control.xml control.xml

ln -s sles9/CD1/media.1 media.1

mkdir yast

echo "/sles9/CD1 /sles9/CD1" > yast/instorder

echo "/core9/CD1 /core9/CD1" >> yast/instorder

echo "/sles9/CD1 /sles9/CD1" > yast/order

echo "/core9/CD1 /core9/CD1" >> yast/order

If you are now asked for the installation directory just specify


If you want to set up an MS windows system as an install server go to the directory dosutils/install. There is a script install.bat that will create the structure and asks you for the CDs. There are also the files instorder and order that have to be copied to the directory \suseinstall\yast. Before you copy the order file please replace the Variables UserAccount, PASSword and IP-Number with the respective values of your MS windows machine. During the installation process you only need to specify the share suseinstall.

If you use a SAMBA-Server as installation server, simply use the commands mentioned above to create the appropriate structure. Use the instorder and order files from dosutils/install and replace the Variables UserAccount, PASSword and IP-Number with the respective values. The following shares need to be exported:

installroot (the directory installroot)

sles9-CD1 (the directory installroot/sles9/CD1)

core9-CD1 (the directory installroot/core9/CD1)

core9-CD2 (the directory installroot/core9/CD2)

core9-CD3 (the directory installroot/core9/CD3)

core9-CD4 (the directory installroot/core9/CD4)

core9-CD5 (the directory installroot/core9/CD5)

Problems with "xhost +" to display remote X sessions on your local screen

This is only relevant if you control an installation over a network and want to display your remote X or YaST session on your local display. On some Linux/Unix-Systems it is no longer sufficient to enter the command "xhost +" to grant access to the local X-Server. For security reasons the X-Server no longer listens on port 6000. To verify whether the X-Server still listens on port 6000 enter the command:

netstat -an | grep 6000

If the line

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

does not show up, the server is not listening. In this case you can either enable port 6000 or use the command

ssh -X "Address of the system be installed"

which will always work.

Qlogic 2310 FC adapters

If there is more than one Qlogic FC Adapter installed and they are NOT used for multipathing, the parameter ql2xfailover=0 must be specified if the module qla2xxx is loaded. Otherwise the LUNS on the second adapter will not show up.

Adding storage drivers after initial installation needs manual intervention

During installation, all block-device drivers for storage controllers are added to an "initial ramdisk". This ensures accessibility for attached storage at all times.

Adding such a controller (with attached storage) at a later point in time will initially work as expected (as a side-effect of the new hot/coldplug capabilities), but later (e.g. after creating a LV on those disks) it may not function.

To ensure system integrity at all times, we recommend to follow YaST2 standards and add the appropriate module to INITRD_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/kernel, and then rerun /sbin/mkinitrd.

Multipathing with MD-Devices

To upgrade MD multipathing from SLES 8 to SLES 9 please start the system with the kernel parameter "barrier=off".
YaST will then offer the MD device for update.

Multipathing with LVM1

During the update the multipathing volumes will only be recognised as standard LVM volumes.

It is then recommended to use EVMS. EVMS will recognise LVM1 multipathing.

Updates and Features

Updated core system with latest versions/features of all packages, e.g.

New and improved YAST (our install and administration tool)

Next generation 2.6.5 Linux kernel with many improvements over 2.4 kernels

Improved HA support

Full enablement and support of UTF-8

Ready for the Asian market including translations and commercial fonts

Inclusion of Red Carpet Enterprise daemon

SLES 9 includes the Red Carpet Daemon. To install the Red Carpet Daemon please execute the following command: /usr/sbin/inst-rcd.

New Type of Installation Source: SLP

New feature: linuxrc understands a new installation source, slp. If you select install=slp at the bootloader prompt, linuxrc will send a SLP (Service Location Protocol) request for service install.suse to the network and prompt you to select an entry from the list of returned URLs. See RFC 2608 and for more information on SLP.

OpenSSH Updated to Version 3.8p1

The gssapi support has been replaced with the gssapi-with-mic to fix possible MITM (man-in-the-middle attacks) attacks. These two versions are not compatible. This means that you cannot authenticate from older distributions by kerberos tickets because different methods for authentication are used.

libiodbc has been Dropped

People using FreeRADIUS now have to link against unixODBC as libiodbc has been dropped.

Change in Resolver Library

Incompatible change: the resolver library treats the .local top level domain as link-local domain and sends multicast DNS requests to the multicast address port 5353 instead of normal DNS requests. If you already use the .local domain in your nameserver configuration you will have to switch to another domain name. See for more information on multicast DNS.

Wireless LAN Cards

Some wireless LAN cards (PrismGT, Centrino, Atmel, ACX100) need firmware to operate. Due to licensing issues we can not ship these firmware binaries. Please read /usr/share/doc/packages/wireless-tools/README.firmware for information on how to obtain and install the firmware.

Support for Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 (aka Centrino)

There is now experimental support for Intel Centrino WLAN adapters. The driver is not complete, WEP support and operation modes other than managed mode are missing.

SSH and Terminal Applications

When using remote access (notably SSH, telnet and RSH) between SUSE LINUX 9.1 / SLES 9(in its default configuration with UTF-8 enabled) and older systems (9.0 and lower, where UTF-8 is not enabled by default or not supported), terminal applications might display garbled characters.

This is because OpenSSH does not forward locale settings so that system-defaults are used which might not match the remote terminal settings. This affects text mode YaST and applications run remotely as non-root user. The applications run as root are only affected when the users changes the default locales for root (only LC_CTYPE is set by default).

POSIX compliant, high performance threads support (NPTL)

SUSE LINUX 9.1 / SLES 9 features a new pthread implementation called NPTL, which is faster and better than the old implementation called linuxthreads.

If your program is incompatible with this new threading implementation, we also provide the old one. To switch to the old version, set the environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.21 by using (e.g.) export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.21 in bash.

Applications using ncurses

If problems occur with ncurses based applications running on the text console then simply issuing unicode_stop (reverting keyboard and console from unicode mode) should usually provide a fix.


SuSEplugger now supports drive notifications and therefore does not poll the devices. Drives that fail to support notification might not react. A workaround is to enable polling to get back the old behavior.

Printer Configuration

For information about the changes with printing see

modules.conf / modprobe.conf

Parameters for loadable modules have now to be placed in modprobe.conf.

vacation tool

The current version of vacation is neither 32/64 bit nor endian-safe.

If you use this tool in mixed environments please run vacation on the mail delivering server, which is normal the NFS server, or retry with the added option -f to force the creation of ~/.vacation.db

Providing Feedback to our products

On the top level of the first CD you will find a very detailed ChangeLog. Please also read the READMEs on the CD.

In case of encountering a bug you may file a report via

Your SUSE LINUX Enterprise Team

Sat Feb 5 14:19:42 UTC 2005