Worry-Free SAP Migration to the Cloud, SUSE’s Got Your Back!

We get it, you’ve seen the stats about 50% or more of SAP projects fail, you’ve heard all the horror stories. Which partners to choose to shepherd your sap journey to the cloud, it’s a big big decision.

Luckily SUSE is confident we can give you the success and ease of mind you need – before embarking on this journey. Why do we think so? 3 very good reasons:

  1. Been there, done that, 30k customers do not lie. You may not know this, but SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is the #1 OS for SAP, with over 85% of the market share. We helped customers with their SAP estate in their own data centers, and we have helped many migrate to the cloud.
  2. Performance hardened, SAP approved. Since our solution is built together with SAP engineers and optimized for SAP, it’s the most proven OS when it comes to reliability, scalability and performance. We hold over 130 WW performance benchmarks – that’s 10x more than the closest competitor. SAP itself standardizes on SUSE internally, and SUSE is the only Linux OS endorsed by them.
  3. 2 words, Live Patching. Because SAP HANA databases can become very large, rebooting can take a lot of time, hours or even days. But with SUSE Live Patching, you don’t need to reboot when applying OS patches ever again. Say “hello” to zero downtime! To further help customers optimized their SAP operations in the cloud, we also have many automation features, for monitoring, alerting and a lot more day 2 operations tasks.

So download our SAP Migration Handbook today to start that 1st step.

It contains:

  • Guidance and recommended next steps on how to migrate your SAP applications to the Cloud
  • Key SAP migrations factors to consider before you plan your migration journey
  • Technical capabilities to plan for at the start of the migration project
  • Deployment options like high availability clusters, scale out, and scale up environments
  • Automated deployment tools from AWS and SUSE – leveraging jointly developed best practices

Worry-free SAP Migration is right around the corner, so download the handbook and start embracing a brighter future for your SAP Applications – on AWS cloud.

Download SAP Migration Handbook.