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By: David Byte

June 29, 2015 11:53 am


Why Free May Hurt Your Appliance or Cloud Business

In my role, I work with a lot of prospective partners who ask the question "Why should I pay for Linux when I can get XYZ distro for free?"  My answer to this involves several facets. Security - When a major security issue comes along, the commercial distributions are on the embargo […]

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By: David Byte

May 19, 2014 7:28 am


I know I sound like an infomercial…

Working with OEMs and IHV partners, I get a lot of opportunities to share our unique story.  One of the most exciting parts of our story is around what we do to enable rapid development and deployment of partner solutions.  As we all know, time to market is a key factor in the […]

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By: Kerry Kim

February 3, 2012 8:36 pm


Dell and SUSE Extend Partnership with Dell OEM Solutions

Years ago in business school I learned about "core competencies." Prahalad and Hamel argued that core competencies were the basis for a firm's sustainable competitive advantage. I was reminded of core competencies this past winter when my wife asked me to put up a tile backsplash in our kitchen. Doing tile work is […]

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