SUSE's Ready for You | SUSE Communities

SUSE’s Ready for You


While the SUSE Ready program and the SUSE Partner Software Catalog have been around for quite a while, it’s a good time to remind everyone about their value – what they “mean” for customers. With the expansion of the original Ready for SUSE Linux Enterprise program to include program support for SUSE OpenStack Cloud, SUSE Enterprise Storage and now SUSE Containers as a Service Platform, we want to be sure our new ISV partners too are up to speed on how they achieve Ready status and how SUSE helps them advertise it.

“Ready” is a self-certification for our software partners. They are the experts in how their software should run on a given platform. When an ISV partner is satisfied that their application is working, and they have announced availability and support for it on a particular SUSE platform, we consider it “SUSE Ready” certified. We award the “Ready” logo and list it in our Partner Software Catalog.

All of the software listed in the SUSE Partner Software Catalog has documented commercial support from the software partner. If you are looking for community-supported software you should check the SUSE Package Hub, but that software would not be listed in the catalog unless there is a partner company that provides commercial support as well.

The SUSE Partner Software Catalog also advertises key features and benefits of software from our ISV partners. The current catalog was designed to give catalog users the information level they want in the most efficient way. Each product has a top-level summary of its SUSE product affinity and key characteristics of the partner software. As catalog users decide they need more specific information, they can drill down for more detail, going down to individual versions of the software. Catalog users don’t scroll through versions of the same product unless they want to do comparison shopping on version features. Filters for software type and vertical market segment are provided by many of our partners to help users find their software. “Catalog users” include not only customers, but also other partners and SUSE sales teams who are helping their customers find the best solutions for the customer’s business needs. The catalog has a wide audience.

So, check out the SUSE Ready products from SUSE ISV partners listed in the SUSE Partner Software Catalog. Look for the Ready logos on ISV partner software and on their web site. If you don’t see the software you are interested in listed in the catalog, ask that provider about offering it on or with SUSE products. The SUSE ISV team is here to help that partner get tested, get Ready and get listed.


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